Even Though You’re Upset

How shall we explain
To the world
The reason for our parting?

Even though you’re upset
With me
For the sake of everyone asking
Come back

Our grievances apart
If only to torment
My heart
Come back

Even though we’re not
As close as before
Still sometime
If only for the sake of custom
Come back

Admittedly hiding love
Is love
Someday secretly
To proclaim your love
Come back

Come back
If only to leave me again

Come back

Ranjish Hi Sahi, original in Urdu by Ahmed Faraz


Why am I lonely among so many people?
Why am I in darkness among all these lights?

Why do I feel empty when my heart is full?
Why do I feel far from home when I live right here?

Why are you still upset when you know I never meant to hurt you?
Why do I write sad things when they make my heart unconsolable?

Why does time pass so quickly when there is so little left?
Why am I still waiting when there is nothing left to wait for?

Sunday Blues – Darker

Sunday Blues - Darker

Last Sunday we set the clock back one hour. The end of daylight savings time is a sure sign of the arrival of autumn. Even though there is still the occasional day where the sun feels warm on my skin, the chill has definitely arrived. The days are getting cold. The nights colder.

But it is the darkness I dread.

There are remedies for cold and wet. But none for the darkness that seems to escape its prison deep in the confines of my heart, and spread out, threatening to extend the night indefinitely. Suddenly all about me, I see the shadow that  I carry locked away inside me. And I feel it within and without.

And all the lights, become mere ephemeral spots of joy in the gloom. My Sunday blues, it seems, just got darker.