The Tango

There’s something wonderfully fascinating about trees that draws me in. And keeps me there.
Something mysterious, yet oddly familiar.

Their immobility, but through the will of nature’s elements.
Their submissiveness and flexibility, yet strong rooted resolve.

Their self-sacrificing nature, always sheltering, shading, protecting.
Their power of renewal, through a never-ending cycle of the seasons.

Their beauty, as full and diverse as nature itself.
And colors, ranging from the deepest blues to the highest yellows.

It is in the autumn, at the bottom of another rhythm, that they seduce me most.
A tango between light and hue, a dazzling spectacle to behold.

Capturing my soul, and not letting go.
There are stories yet to be told.

When You Were Loved

When every dream
has turned to dust,
and your highest hopes
no longer soar.

When places you
once yearned to see,
grow further away
on distant shores.

When every night
you close your eyes,
and long inside
for something more.

Remember this
and only this,
if nothing else
you can recall—

There was a life
a girl once led,
where you were loved
the most of all.

– Text from “When”,  in Lullabies, by Lang Leav

Eid al-Fitr Mubarak


Every year, as the month of Ramadan draws close, I feel like standing before a mountain to be climbed, wondering if I will have what it takes to make it all the way to the top. This year, with 20-hour days in the middle of the summer, that mountain seemed taller than ever.

Now, with only a day left of of fasting, reflecting back, I admit to myself that I didn’t take the ideal route to the top. In fact, it wasn’t even a particularly elegant one. Still, somehow, I feel I got there. And I pray that it counts.

May Allah accept our sacrifices in the month that has passed, and grant us the opportunity to improve our efforts in the future.

Have a blessed Eid al-Fitr celebration!